Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Function Transformations

I just love teaching the functions transformation unit.  It is quick and easy and the students seem to just get it.  For this unit, I am trying something new this year.  I am trying out the flipped classroom concept.  So, their homework is to watch videos and then we do their work in class.  So far, it is just ok.  We will see how it goes.

The best way for the students to really understand transformations is for the kids to actually see the movements of the graphs.  And, if you do it by hand, it can take a while.  So, why not use graphing calculators!!!  Quick, easy, painless.

This activity is formatted in the Cornell Notes fashion.  We are an AVID school so we have a school wide push to use Cornell Notes.  Most like taking them like this, a few just do not like them.  I have activities for Quadratics, Absolute Value, Radicals, and Cubics.  This year, I am teaching Quadratics and Cubics together then Absolute Value and Radicals together.


Absolute Value Transformations
Quadratic Transformation
Cubic and Radical Transformations

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