Monday, January 13, 2014

Review Game Time!

Sometimes I find it hard to find fun and creative ways to review for tests.  I want something that all the students will participate in as well as something that really reviews them.

I found this Jeopardy Review template online.  It was created by Bill Arcurl from WCSD.  I thank him greatly right now.  I had to do a few modifications to the questions, but it works for me now.  I am thinking that I would be able to split my class into groups and it would work out great.  I have created my game over our Similarity unit for Geometry.  I also think that would be great to use for the Foundations of Geometry- all the fun vocabulary and notations!


I hope that you enjoy the template.

Since I am always looking for good ways to review and sometimes I feel like I am going the same thing over and over again, anyone care to share some fun review games/ideas?

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