Monday, August 12, 2013

A New Adventure!

As school starts in two days, I decided that I would share my work for this year.  I am ready for a new year (this will be my 5th year of teaching), and all the fun and excitement that comes with it.  My goal is to help spread ideas for high school math to many.  I feel that there are just not enough resources out there for upper level teachers.  I am not claiming to be a genius or know everything, but I do have a lot of ideas that I think will help.  I am also hoping that others will be willing to share ideas with me along the way as well.

So, a little bit about me.  Like I said, this is my 5th year teaching.  I teach at Winnetonka High School in the North Kansas City School District.  I have taught mostly Algebra 2, with some Geometry along the way.  This year, I am split between Honors Algebra 2 and Honors Geometry.  One of our big things this year is the Workshop Model.  I am not sure how successful I will be with implementing it at first, but it will be a learning curve.  I am also going to work on flipping my classroom.  We are a 1-to-1 school so I am going to be using a lot of technology along the way.  And, as everyone is doing these days, we are switching to Common Core State Standards.  Oh what a fun year this will be!!

I hope that you will enjoy my blog and get lots of ideas that you can use!

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