Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Interactive Notebooks....The Beginning

Hard to believe that students come tomorrow.  I am sure, like most teachers, that we do not feel prepared for students but can get through the first day!

One of my goals for this semester is to do interactive notebooks.  I am hoping that this will become an excellent study tool for the students.  Cross your fingers that is it successful.

Since Missouri is not yet making the full switch to Common Core and Smarter Balance Assessments, I have to prep my students for the End of Course Exams (EOC).  One of the big things I would like to do is get the students familiar with the EOC Reference sheet.  This way, they will use the reference sheet for the whole year and not just "Surprise! This is all you get."

I decided as I go along for the year, I would make my own notebooks so that I can model it for the students.  So, I bought Back to School Sale notebooks for super cheap.  I have one for Geometry and one for Algebra 2.  I like the college rule and will probably be telling my students to buy them as well.  Just seem cleaner.
I then copied the reference sheet that I needed.  I made them half sheets, except my example is a full sheet.  I will have the students cut off some of the extra trim so that it fits nicely, but leave the left side trim alone.  Have them tape the reference sheet to the back cover.  Have it close to the edge of the cover.  
Next thing the students will do is fold it in.  Have them double check that the holes of the notebook are not covered.  I am hoping that with them being half sheets I will not have to worry about this.  This will be the storage position for the reference sheet.
Success!!  They can now fold out the reference sheet whenever needed.  In theory, they should be able to see the reference sheet no matter what page they are on in the notebook.  I am also hoping they will get so use to seeing all the formulas they will not need to use it on the EOC at all.

Here is to a successful interactive notebook!!

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