Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Barbie Bungee

Need a fun and creative idea for line of best fit?? I got you covered!!

This is a great activity that my math department does.  We have used it for Algebra 1 and Algebra 2, even some remediation classes.  It will take a whole block period but it is totally worth it.

The idea:  The students will predict how many rubber bands it will take for Barbie to safely bungee 460 cm.  You could change the distance if you want.  I like to tell them that they have to tie her feet because that is the proper way to bungee and we are not hanging barbie.  You will need at least 3 students in a group- one to hold barbie and drop her, two to watch where she hits, and one of the watchers can also be the recorder.

Once data is collect, the students will create a scatter plot and find the line of best fit.  From there, they can predict values.

This is a fun project.  It takes some preparation if you have not done it before but then after that it is a piece of cake.

I will add some pictures of the activity in action once we complete it on Tuesday!

Barbie Bungee

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