Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pop Tab Project Update

So far our collection of pop tabs is going well.  From all the help of my Facebook friends and some others, we have counted 10,643 pop tabs!  We still have more that need to be counted.

So, how am I using this in my classes?  Great question!

Today in class, we made some predictions.  I have stored them in a safe place and once we have all our tabs, we will see who had the best prediction.  We also did some calculations.

This is 2,000 pop tabs!

I have been stringing the tabs onto fishing line in increments of 1,000.  I am not doing that all the way through but for now.  We then measured how long 1,000 pop tabs would be.  So far, I have 3 strands of 1,000.  We then averaged the numbers together to account for the different lengths.  Since we were dealing with 1,000 only, they had to times the average by 100 to get how many inches 100,000 would be.  We then converted it to feet.  Based on all of that, we are looking at 371 feet and 8 inches!

It just so happened admin walked in at that time.  She asked a football player if that would be longer than a football field or not.  So, they did some quick math and of course it was.  That made me think that to show the progress of our growing strands of pop tabs, we would go to the football field and get pictures there.

I am so excited about our project and hope that we reach our goal!

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